Gathering together the modern & ancient wisdom being shared by women who nourish the world.

Wisdom has been shared and passed down since the beginning of the human experience. We’re meant to learn from one another. Celebrate with one another. To gather with one another. This project is a dedication to the medicine that women bring to the world and will serve as a powerful resource for those who are called to take a deep dive into the spaces that connect self and soul.

Holly Burling

Spiritual Intuitive | Classical Acupuncturist

Holly Burling is a spiritual intuitive, classical acupuncturist, Feeding Your Demons facilitator, teacher and writer. She brings a lifetime of tools—rooted in her own healing journey and in extensive study and training in Taoist and Tibetan Buddhist lineages—to her practice.

Meet Our Past Rooted Women

The Rooted Woman Project: Allison KT (Episode 3)

The Rooted Woman Project: Allison KT (Episode 3)

Allison KT is here for the burnt-out bright lights of the world. As a certified coach, Reiki Master, and boundaries specialist, Allison helps people-pleasers feel confident standing up for themselves by working on mindset, energy, and what to do in real-life situations.

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Would you like to participate?

For some of us, sharing our light and our passions with the world isn’t an option, it’s our calling. The Rooted Woman Project is dedicated to creating a sacred space where this magic can be shared with others in service of growth, community, inspiration, and healing. If you’re interested in sharing a little piece of what you do with this amazing community, please fill out the application linked below and tell us a bit about yourself.