When you’re rooted in who you are, you get to allow life to unfold beautifully and naturally. You have nothing to prove, no childish reactions or snap judgments. You are connected to Source and the earth, and therefore all of life!
She is a spiritual life + business coach who spends her days intuitively guiding spiritual women to manifest wildly authentic, abundant lives (and businesses!) that feel epic, liberating, and most importantly YOURS.
So, what exactly does she do? She connect you directly to Source, to your magic. She help you rewire your subconscious mind, master your energy, and LAND all of the brilliant spiritual techniques in your body + on earth so they become WHO YOU ARE. Freedom, simplicity, integrity, and authenticity run my business, and so does skinny-dipping, dancing in the mirror, my pleasure practice, Pilates, mother earth, and my wild woman energy.
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Welcome to the Rooted Woman Project where we are gathering together the modern and ancient wisdom being shared by the women who nourish the world. I get to introduce you to Anna Cantwell. Like, oh my gosh, I’m so excited that you’re here.
Anna is one of the dearest soul sisters that I met in Sedona and we had a weekend of a lifetime. And she is by far one of the most dynamic, vivacious, and energetic human beings I’ve ever had the chance of meeting. Anna is a spiritual life and business coach who spends her days intuitively guiding spiritual women to manifest wildly authentic, abundant lives and businesses that feel epic, liberating, and most importantly yours, which I think is the key to any successful life in business is really making it the expression of you and yours.
So thank you so much for being here.
Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to get back in the game, you know.
Oh my gosh, you have so much support into the game. So I’m so excited I get to really dive into your heart and your soul. Like I mentioned already, we met in Sedona, but I feel like there were just so many amazing experiences that we weren’t able to sit one-on-one with everybody.
And so I’m especially excited to get to know just you on this more personal level and dive into your magic because selfishly, I want to soak myself in it.
No, not selfish at all. There’s plenty here to share.
Well, I would love to first start off because I know who you are, but I’d love for everyone watching if you could just share a bit about your life experience, how you got to where you are, how did you cultivate your own magic and just share your journey with us?
Yeah, I think it’s pretty surprising for people who have met me more recently that I used to be the most anxious, depressed, just hot mess express. Like it was bad, indecisive. Oh my God.
I was so disconnected from my intuition, from my body. I was so stuck in my head. Um, you know, I grew up with a lot of religious dogma that didn’t leave a lot of a room for other modes of spirituality.
I was very controlling. Um, I had an eating disorder that was about restricting food and control. Right.
Um, and then anxiety and all of those things. It’s so interesting to just reflect on now, because it’s so far from my experience in this moment, but I share it to let people know that, you know, you really can make leaps and bounds. And some of those things were not that long ago.
Um, you know, within, you know, within the last decade of my life, some of them, and, uh, for me, you know, the path started through the body. And I think it does for a lot of people. I had chronic stomach pain as a teenager.
I was told that I was just going to be in pain for the rest of my life.
Oh, wow.
And I just said, no, I was, I don’t accept that.
Um, one of those moments when it’s like, you know, you have to sort of write your own destiny and you can’t let people tell you how it’s going to be. And I just refused to believe that I was like, no way. And, you know, they gave me basically prescription Tums and different things.
And they said I had IBS and yada – yada, but what really turned the tides for me actually was using cannabis and also removing, um, ibuprofen Advil because I was prescribed a ton of it for periods.
Oh, interesting, yeah.
I had the gut brain connection of all my anxiety, making my stomach hurt, and then my stomach hurting, telling my brain something’s wrong.
Right. And then it just creates this awful loop. Anyone who’s ever had stomach issues, you know, how your stress and your brain affects your stomach.
Um, and yeah, I just remember going to all these specialists and none of them said anything about that. And I’m really, really lucky. Actually, my mom studied psychology and she said, I think we need to put you in therapy for the stress thing.
And I think maybe that might help some of your stomach stuff. And it, it definitely did. It got me to a point.
Um, but after that, my next big challenge was in college where I experienced a lot of sexual trauma and that was one of those things. It was like already an anxious person. And then you have these, you know, very acutely traumatic events, especially to your body.
Right? And then if anyone’s familiar with, you know, the trauma work, uh, vessel of endocoke body keeps the score, that kind of thing, you know, that it just impacts, it impacts your brain, it’s stored in your body and really like it, the only way out is through, you know, the only way beyond that. Um, so that was a very, very challenging time in my life that I had to face head-on, but it also taught me something super, super important.
Um, because I think I really, you know, it was really hard. I was like not getting out of bed. I was, I had like a mental health, um, basically where I could take less classes, but be considered a full-time student. I had like take a mental health under load. I quit my jobs. I was working like three jobs, all of college because why not? Right. Um, got to make it work. And, uh, yeah, it was a time that just taught me that I can do anything.
I was like, if I can face this horrifying thing, like head-on, um, then I can do anything. And that period of my life, I have to look back. And as you know, maybe it sounds messed up, but I have to look back in gratitude because it taught me how fucking strong I am.
You know, it showed me what’s at my core and that like nothing can, you know, nothing can hold me back. So it was a very painful lesson. I describe it like being like body slammed by the universe.
It was just thing after thing, after thing of very just intense experiences. Um, and I can also acknowledge the role now I can acknowledge the role many years later that I played in that and that the beliefs that were instilled in me about men, about sex, about control over my own body, um, sexual empowerment, those kinds of things, or the things that weren’t taught to me really, but also negative beliefs, how that really shaped my worldview, you know, and it, and, and I think in many cases it made me a really, you know, a good target. My self-esteem was just in the floor. And so I know
It’s so hard to imagine you like that.
Right. And it’s, and I, but I have to tell people because it is, you know, it’s not who I am and it doesn’t serve me personally any longer to claim those things as my identity. Um, but it was a part of my path that really supported me. And after college, I really decided, you know what, I have to move away. I have to leave this here and it’s time to move on. And if I stay, you know, depressed and low, like they win.
Right. And I’m like, you know, if you feel they want to get like revenge on someone live a fucking amazing life. I mean, it’s the best way to do it. Um, have a beautiful life. So that was what I kind of committed to after that. Um, and it really, it really shifted.
It took time. Definitely, but it shifted things. And that’s brought me to kind of my next phase in life where I really started. I would sort of say waking up, I think I was one of those people who was born and kind of like my third, I was open. I was very, very open. I was very connected to nature as a kid.
I was very connected to animals. And then I just got, you know, traditional schooling, anxiety, all of this stuff, I think really, um, shaped me, but in my early twenties, getting out of, you know, getting out of school, getting out of the area that I was in was really supportive. And yeah, I ended up, um, in Houston, Texas don’t necessarily recommend it, but it was a new place, you know, it was a new chapter.
And I think that was really important for me to be in a new, a new area. And, um,I was a school teacher and I taught high school English. And it’s so funny because at that time I was like, basically a life coach.
Yeah. Right.
I think everyone has like the English teacher who was like your BFF life coach, who was like, you would tell all your problems too. And be like, what do I do? And ask for advice. Um, and that was also where I met this really amazing woman who worked at my school and was teaching yoga to students was having them read the four agreements, this stuff.
And I was like, this is too freaking cool. And yoga was something I had kind of always been interested in. I had kind of dabbled in it. Um, but I started once I moved there, it became my kind of number one self-care practice. And I just dove into it. And it was the only time in the day that I wasn’t, um, you know, worried about something or stewing on ruminating on something or stressed, you know, it was the only time.
And so I really dove into yoga and I started talking to this teacher at my school. And she was like, I think you need to meet these people. And, um, their names are Dan and Christina Houston, who just happened to live in Houston coincidence.
Um, and I went to one of, they were teaching kind of like a yoga workshop and I went and they were just amazing. And it was one of those moments where you’re like, I want what they’re having, whatever they’re on, give me that. Um, they just had so much ease, so much integrity.
They were entrepreneurs. They had a nonprofit. Like I was like, this is really rad.
So I took their yoga teacher training and it was amazing because of their background, you know, have some background in landmark, um, if you’re familiar and coaching. And so kind of all of that coaching stuff was really weaved in to my yoga teacher training. And because I also had my masters in teaching and was comfortable in front of a room and this is a side note, but I also did, um, I also did coaching in college.
I was a academic coach, um, helping people reach their goals and Sandra, I can love this, um, and a writing coach. And so it just, everything just meshed and it really cracked me wide open. And it really helped me heal a lot of the body trauma that I had experienced because it was getting into your body and it’s so empowering, you know, and yoga when you’re like, wow, I can do this pose and look at what my body can do.
And it’s, you see your progress and, um, it was just, and then of course, it’s also the mindfulness piece and the breath peaks and the spiritual piece. So it really was everything that I needed at that time. Um, and with, you know, with their guidance and with their mentorship, I knew I needed, I didn’t want to be in Houston anymore.
And I, I was like, I can’t be a school teacher and this is making me way too stressed out. And it’s, it’s just having a negative impact on my physical and mental health. Um, I decided to move to LA.
Um, I’m like 24, pack up my Toyota Camry, um, head, I know, right. Go out to LA. I’m like, have no clue what I’m doing, but I’m like, have so much faith.
And you know what, this is really cool. Actually. Um, uh, on the way out there, I had a friend from Houston who was moving to Utah at the same time, like Zion area. And, um, we sort of caravan together and we camped and stopped in Sedona. And that was the first time I had ever been to Sedona. And I was like, what is this place?
It’s so magical having all these visions, getting dipped in a Cree, you know, it was, yeah. I know. So that’s my first time there. And I mean, really everything in my life opening up at this time. Um, this was a few months before, but through a series of events, I was on a trip actually to Colorado and I, my friends, half brothers, girlfriend introduced me to Abraham Hicks manifestation was.
And I had never heard about any of that.
So my head is like exploding
Totally, Yeah.
It was amazing. And it was just one of those times when you’re like, everything is opening up and you’re like, I have no fucking clue how I’m going to figure this out, but I did. Um, and LA was another whole magical portal of itself, but, um, that’s where I did my meditation teacher training.
I started having one-on-one clients. I was doing corporate meditation. I was teaching tons of yoga. Um, I led a retreat in Mexico, like all these amazing pieces of the journey. And, you know, it didn’t all happen at once, but it just kind of slowly started to come through.
And I think I really started to see, damn, I’m like really good at this manifesting thing. I’m like, yeah, this is awesome. This is so much fun. I am like, I’m like, I dream it. It happens. I write it down and I manifests like, this is really cool. And I think that’s all part of, you just start to see your power and that we’re really, really powerful, creative beings.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
It’s just wild. So I’m going to like, I mean, did a ton of meditation because I was doing my teacher training later. I got my hypnotherapy certification, tapping a bunch of other stuff. And it was just all through learning and taking clients, my business is growing and it’s like happening. And then the pandemic happens.
There’s like that point and everybody’s like the pandemic happens.
Yeah. Right. Cue.
We need some music here. Yeah. I’m going to send it to Jake.
So pretty good.
And, um, it was at that time I had been really wanting to basically be 100% virtual in my business. So, and you know, all the studios closed.
So I lost my two biggest sources of income at the time, which was my corporate meditation and my yoga teaching. And so I was like, Ooh, okay. I guess we’re like really for real doing 100% just coaching.
Like I had been, I had been doing it the whole time, but I had never just relied on that. And I think there’s really something, you know, entrepreneurs out there, I’m sure you feel me just relying 100% on your generated income from your business, you know?
Not like cobbling together, you know, the right combination anymore. And so I did something so wild and so scary. And I hired a business coach and joined a mastermind and it was more money than I had paid for anything. And it was, yeah, what am I doing? I, like I said, just lost like all his income. And it was just so wild to see how I was so provided for like every month, I swear every month, the exact amount that I needed to pay for it came through in the randomest ways.
Like I had booked, I was going to lead a retreat with a program that I had created. And of course with COVID it got canceled. And so I got like the refund from the place that I had booked that was like the first month. And it was just so crazy to see every month. It just came through perfectly. This was also the time that I started working on animal guides and doing the Kickstarter for animal guides to raise the initial, you know, 10K to get it, get them printed, get it going.
And so, yeah, 2020 was also the year that Jake and I fell in love. We were friends before. We really got brought together. So I know it was kind of a rough year, but it was like the most amazing. It was my first six-figure year in my business, launched an animal guides, met Jake.
That’s huge. It’s like this intersection of all of these, those beautiful things like culminating at once.
Yeah. And I really feel like it was because of all of the deep, deep spiritual work that I had done prior. I was like, when, when it came, when COVID came, I was like, I have been literally training for this.
Yeah. Yeah.
I’ve been like training and prepared to like, you know, do what I need to do to make it through, not just make it through this time, but like to really thrive in this time.
I’m like, this is the quickest I’ve ever told all of this, but yeah, long story short you know, COVID was getting really hairy in LA and it was not really feeling aligned to be in the city anymore.
I’m like, this is the quickest I’ve ever told all of this, but yeah, long story short you know, COVID was getting really hairy in LA and it was not really feeling aligned to be in the city anymore.
City gave me so many amazing connections and education. And I mean, there’s yeah. So many friendships and husband and all of that, but it was just, I was feeling, you know, like ungrounded and unrooted. And I’m such a nature gal. I was like, what if I could move to Joshua tr
Um What If?
And what if, and I found this place online that was, I think listed maybe month to month and it was furnished, but I couldn’t afford it on my own. And then Jake and I got together and I was like, Hey, so I know he just started dating and decided that we’re going to get married, but what do you think about moving to Joshua tree? And he’s like, I’m down. I’m like, great.
Let’s do it. So we moved to Joshua tree. It was such an amazing decision because I mean, that house held so much for us. We recorded so much music there. I had clients come out for, you know, many retreats and psychedelic ceremonies. And it was just, yeah, it was such a special portal, especially during the pandemic, because I think it felt safer.
We were like kind of out, you know, we’re out in the middle of nowhere, right. So people could still come out and see us. And yeah, it was just a really, really amazing time of my life. I feel like my business grew a lot then as well, um, created different programs, added more offerings, um, getting animal guides, like fully printed and ready to roll. Um, yeah. And you know, with that year we got married and it was, yeah, a lot, a lot of great things, but in this, you know, in this whole thing, I just want to reflect that there’s a lot of faith that was required.
Yeah. That was like, one of the things I was really wanting to point out about what you were saying is that you said you were prepared and I think that’s so big, right? Like, I think there’s like, there can be this undertone when it comes to manifestation that I feel like people like, especially like in the Abraham Hicks community. And then you bring in like manifestation that there’s like, okay, just think the positive thoughts and just write your things down and make your vision board and it will just naturally come to you.
But one of the things I hear you really communicating is that you were prepared, like you were doing the work. It’s not like you just sat at home and laid on your bed and like wrote out these lists.
Like you, you met the universe halfway, right? Like you poured yourself out there and you put yourself out there and that allowed you to receive and be aware of receiving, which I think is such a beautiful distinction. And yeah.
Yeah. Did you want to? Well, yeah, I was just going to say like, there’s, you know, a huge part of my work that I’ve come to call like heaven meets earth. You know, I always will put the spiritual and the energetic foot first. And I do want to tell some really cool recent stories about basically like, you know, ostensibly literally doing nothing and having things come through. Like it happens. Right. But I was, you know, I was doing the healing work on myself. Right.
I, I was like not shying away from the fears and from the demons and from the limiting beliefs. And like, and the, the, one of the things that I’m the most grateful for in my whole journey was in my original yoga teacher training, there was a huge focus on integrity. And if you have the, you know, a certain definition, integrity is manifestation, what you say you’re going to do.
And so you’re speaking these things out and there was, you know, people started to, to trust me that when I said something, I really fucking meant it, even if it felt like, Whoa, that’s crazy. And, you know, for years before, for example, animal guides was in existence. Every chance I met there’s another animal deck called the medicine cards.
It’s a beautiful deck. It was like a huge original inspiration for me. It has tons of Native American wisdom. It’s just glorious. And every chance I got, I would pull an animal card for people, even if they were like, what the fuck is that? Or it is right. Right. And, you know, for a long time, I was never, it wasn’t like, I was like charging money. I was just like, friends were coming over and I was pulling them cards.
And you know what I mean? It was just such a natural outpouring and I wanted to get better. And I wanted to learn the symbolism and the mythology. And then I would just always tell people, you know, I’m going to have my own deck. I’m going to have my own animal deck. Like, of course. And people fucking believed me and people because, because I was, you know, like you said, doing the work, showing up for it. And so there’s a part of manifestation that is like, it is just integrity. It’s doing what you’re saying you’re going to do.
So if you have big, bold visions, yes. Queen say them, speak them. I like share them with people, please boldly and share them before they’re in physical existence.
Really, really powerful. I can’t tell you how many times I was like, you know, with my friends, like talking about my soulmate or talking about my business or all of these things. Right. I fully believe in that. And then you just have to listen to what’s what action is guided, you know, and discern what do I, what am I doing that I feel like I need to do to be a good girl, good entrepreneur, good, whatever. Versus what do I genuinely feel called to do, you know, and animal guides, that was a calling my music. That was a call that was like, it was like, I couldn’t not do it. Yeah. You know, that was how strong it felt.
And same thing with my, really my whole business. But I feel like that’s, that’s, it’s such an important piece. And I’m so grateful for that foundation and my training, because then it’s like all of the other stuff on top is just fun and amazing.
And like, let’s see if we can talk to some galactic beings and let’s see what we can create in our dreams, like our sleeping dreams. And, you know, then there’s so much, you know, fun to be had from there and amazing places to explore. But I do think the foundation is really important. And I think the rooted grounded foundation of like, I’m going to be a person who in my life, what I say is going to match up with what I do. Yeah. I think that cannot be overstated.
Yeah, absolutely. And I feel like I see what you’re saying is like these two levels where this is where I feel like doing the personal work is so important, because it creates this foundation where you get to know, what are the stories that have been programmed in your mind that maybe keep you into these like more limiting spaces. And, you know, because there’s, you mentioned something, I think it was on your website, the soul values, right, where it’s like, we, we oftentimes come from our mental frame of what should we do, or what should we not do, which is so influenced by our unconscious programming, right?
And so it can be extremely difficult to discern. Is this a soul value? Or is this some kind of externalization of this internal programming that I’m doing? And that’s why I feel like doing that personal work and having coaches, mentors, therapists, guides, who can support you and being able to discern that is that’s the foundational piece, right?
Yes, totally. I mean, that’s soul values are really the place that I start with any client that comes to me because it’s the foundation, you know, and in it, I don’t think it has a name. But right, this, there’s a hierarchy, right? That’s like, and at the very top is your values and beliefs. And so everything, your thoughts, your actions, your behaviors, your habits, your words, all of that trickles down from there. So you can say, like, I’m going to change my, my speech, right?
And I think there’s totally something to that. I’m a huge fan of like language precision and being conscious of the words that you’re speaking. And if you’re not shifting the value system or the belief system, it’s really, really tough to make those lasting changes, the sustainable transformation, not just the overnight, you know, look, I manifested this one thing, or, you know, I don’t know, there, I feel like there’s a huge emphasis in just the coaching industry right now.
That’s, it’s not sustainable. You know, this overnight, no, whatever situation, and I’m not about it. And I just love that the people that come to work with me are so here for the long-term transformation.
Yes. And that’s what I think. So I love that you say that because a lot of the women that I work with, they’re also going through some, I mean, I feel like life always gives us these small thresholds and these portals to kind of totally. Right. And so there’s first, I feel like the first threshold to cross is that one of fear and the control, like, well, what is going to happen next and how can I plan for it? And what do I need to do now?
Right. And then, and then there’s like this inkling of surrender that kind of has to move in. It’s like, okay, there’s something more at play here than what I can influence directly. And like, there’s these spiritual, spiritual guides and energy and the quantum field, like all of the stuff that is in support. Right. And so it’s like formulating that relationship.
But I feel like for you, one of the things I was curious about, like, as you were talking about, you know, going through all these difficult experiences, like from your childhood and your body and the sexual trauma, some people would go through those things and stay stuck in it.
You know, like what were some of the things that kind of opened your eyes to actually realizing or even acknowledging there was a spark inside. Right.
Yeah, for sure. I’m like, my mind jumps to like, no, thanks to the people who like totally turn their backs on me in the hardest time of my life, but like, send you love, you know? But I mean, I think one, there’s one layer of it, which is I have always had an inner perseverance, whether that was like, you know, going after a goal that I wanted or something that I dreamed of and really staying focused on it. So I do believe that there’s an inner perseverance within me. And I also, yeah, I have, I have to say, I really think that some of my psychedelic usage at the time also really supported my growth. It was like, one part perseverance.
And by the way, you know, from, by way of spirit, right? Like all of this is because like spirit is just, you know, looking out for me, infusing me, but one part perseverance, right. One part, you know, not even in the most conscious way, but using psychedelics and having a little support in seeing new neural pathways, right And creating that and healing from that trauma. And then also one part, just like facing it dead on. I think, I think really like, I, a little bit of running and avoiding, but I, I really wasn’t like that.
I was, I really was like, I need to face this. I need to stand up for myself, even though it’s so fucking hard, even though it’s like the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It’s like the hardest thing I’ve ever done, like to this day, hands down was that, you know? But yeah, the psychedelics, I really do think supported me in, in shifting through that. I don’t want to say quickly because there’s still, of course, I mean, there’s still layers that I move through, you know, when it comes to sexual trauma, it just goes so deep. But I think at the time, you know, some psilocybin, it really supports just the new neural pathways, healing from PTSD and doing it in ways that were, I would say, you know, it wasn’t like I was sitting down with like a me now who’s like guiding the entire experience and setting it up, but it was in fairly intimate settings with people I trusted or in nature.
And it wasn’t like with the intention of like, let’s fucking get blasted. Like it was, it was, I think it was really with the of like, let’s explore. Right?Right. And yeah. And so, you know, going through that period, I think it really helped. And I think that’s part of a reason why I, you know, facilitate in for lack of a better term trips it now. Yeah.
Yeah. I’d love to hear more about that. Like, yeah. Yeah. It Create that ceremony.
Create that ceremony. Totally. So, I mean, it’s very, it’s very, very sacred to me because I will say the, the huge thing, you know, anything can be abused, you know, work can be abused, exercise can be abused, like just because, you know, certain psychedelics aren’t like addictive.
They can of course still be abused, but out of the medicine, you know, and when I started having really, really deep healing experiences for myself with my friends, especially once I moved to it was, it started to open up a lot more. It really shifted things for me and I just couldn’t help but thinking, you know, Anna, you’re really good at holding space. You have a lot of training in space holding from literally, you know, being a teacher.
I’ve basically been in a teaching space holding role since I was in like third grade. Like I have been doing that kind of energy of facilitation for a long time. And so I think it felt really natural to me. And then, so it started out doing for friends and having really good experiences. And then it just kind of went from there and became really an off, like an offering. And I just kind of honed it as I went.
You know, I always have people fill out just, you know, what are things that trigger you positively, sights, sounds, smells that relax you, that soothe you. What are things that trigger you negatively? So I can literally set up the whole space, whether it’s like my home or an Airbnb. And I’ll always make sure to go through the whole space. Like I’m just thinking of times when, you know, I was facilitating for someone at an Airbnb and they’ll just be like a really weird looking like vinyl. And I’m like, let’s just tuck this away.
It doesn’t need to be out. So, you know, setting, right. Is one of those, those big factors. So really making the setting, bringing, you know, my crystals, my cards, my instruments, all of that, making sure there’s plenty of water, you know, when they’re, if, and when they’re ready to eat fruit, like, you know, just really taking care to set it up. And then also, you know, I ask that folks abstain from things like alcohol a few weeks prior, meditate daily prior, just so that they’re in the best mindset possible going into it. And then of course, you know, anyone that comes to me, I will also personally vet and just be like, this might not be the best time for you to do this, or, you know, when I think this is coming at a perfect time for you. And I always tell folks, you know, even if it gets to the day of, or we’re right about to start. And if you have a feeling like genuinely, I should not be doing this, then we don’t do it.
And I follow that for, for myself, for psychedelic usage as well. I’m like, even if we planned a whole trip around it or whatever, like set up the whole day to, you know, be conducive to this, if I feel it in that moment and it’s a no, then it’s a no. And that’s honoring the medicine because it is so powerful.
And that’s what I love about it. It’s so powerful and amazing. And you just have to treat it like the sacred thing that it is, you know?
Yeah. Really letting and setting that intention.
Yes. Yeah. And so that was, that was the coolest thing was that people, you know, started coming to me because they’re like, I want to heal. I want to move past this thing that I can’t seem to kind of get past. Or I want to connect deeper spiritually. And, you know, I don’t know if anyone’s seen fantastic fungi, really, really great doc.
So amazing. But they talk about, you know, the studies at Johns Hopkins and people ranking these and it’s kind of funny because they’re like in a clinic and stuff, but like these psychedelic experiences as the top five most transcendental experiences of their life. Sometimes even past like the birth of their first child or marriage or whatever. And it’s so amazing to me that something can be so spiritually significant and also be so like demonized, but it definitely, you know, it is really interesting.
And I think it also highlights how badly people want to get out of their heads. Yes. You know, like to get out of that, like constant cycle of thought and doubt and anxiety and worry and planning and anticipate like all the thing.
Yeah. Yeah.
Like I’ve never done this particular plant medicine. So I’m like so curious and it’s actually something I really, really wanted to do. I’m like..
Let’s talk, boo.
Right. Exactly. Like in it. So I, one of those people who is super anxious whenever I do any kind of mind space altering, like that’s actually why I never did like mushrooms in college or like I’m the girl who gets really anxious when she smokes pot, like, sure. You know? So the only experience I ever had was ecstasy, like, right. Like going to that’s like, yeah, for sure. Right.
But to your point, I have always wanted to do it in the way that you’re talking about, because I don’t want to do it for like the fun stay out till three in the morning and dancing to house music reason. I want to do it to connect the parts of myself and my soul that aren’t accessible in the day-to-day and like something open and learn something on a completely different level. So I love what you’re talking about and how you create the space and how you put so much time and attention into it and what you’ve gotten from it. Like it’s just, and it just really speaks to that desire to, I think, have that spiritual experience.
But to your point, I have always wanted to do it in the way that you’re talking about, because I don’t want to do it for like the fun stay out till three in the morning and dancing to house music reason. I want to do it to connect the parts of myself and my soul that aren’t accessible in the day-to-day and like something open and learn something on a completely different level. So I love what you’re talking about and how you create the space and how you put so much time and attention into it and what you’ve gotten from it. Like it’s just, and it just really speaks to that desire to, I think, have that spiritual experience.
Totally. I mean, like I said, if I, if I felt like, oh, this isn’t that effective or what, or people don’t really need this, I wouldn’t do it. I’m like, it’s so effective and you don’t have to, like, you know, I’ve done a hero’s dose, which is five grams of mushrooms, just to make it very clear. I’m not recommending this. I am just, this was for my own personal exploration and you know, to that, to your point about the thinking mind, I’m like, girlfriend, I am a Gemini moon. I’m like in here, it is wild.
Like it is a wild what’s going on in this head. And it’s always been that way. I remember like writing a poem in high school about having like washing machine thoughts that just like never stopped and just like kept going. But I’m like, you know, on this hero’s dose with someone with me who’s sober and with a friend and you know, set it up very safely. But I had no thinking mind and I was just like, like, it was just so startling. Like, no, like, where are they going?
What did they do? Are they having fun today? Just like the thing. And you know, I’m, I would consider myself an experienced meditator, you know, for years I meditated for an hour every day. Now I don’t do that much meditation anymore, but you know, I’ve had my, I’ve had my fair share of, you know, being in the present moment awareness and with your breath and all of that. And this is just like thinking mind gone, you know, but also the other part of it, because your left brain is like not really online is your words are like not there. And you’re just like, words are hard. Like I, how do I words right now? Like it doesn’t, you don’t really, you know what I mean?
And then you also feel this just incredible. I felt this, I will say not everyone’s experience is the same and just for everyone to please keep in mind, you know, in my lifetime, I’ve done 10 plus years of therapy, countless, you know, self-healing, like modalities, like, you know, retreats, planet, like it’s, you know, the whole thing I didn’t just like one day was, wasn’t just like, Oh, I’m going to just do five grams of mushrooms. Be fine. You know?
Yeah. Right.
But, you know, you, you start to see how much of an illusion separation is. Yeah. Literally. And I mean, like, your arm is on the couch and you’re like, what’s my arm and what’s the couch?
Oh my gosh. That’s amazing.
Really cool. And that day, you know, we had a friend who was also doing it and had a very different experience than me in a lot of fear. He moved through it, which was really cool because I basically ended up like, also while being on five grams, facilitating for him and helping him move through these blocks, which was how I knew I need to keep doing this.
Yeah. I mean, if I, to just put it really simply, he was in like total fear and I was in complete love. I was like, everything was love. I couldn’t even comprehend what there could be to be afraid of. Right. I was like, what do you mean you’re afraid, afraid of what?
Right. And it was so mind blowing for me. And I think that’s a huge piece of it is that the, the playfulness that mushrooms bring and the childlike wander and innocence, how, how kids, like a lot of times, like they just seem kind of fearless, you know? Yeah. You know? And sometimes you’re like, no, but we need, you know, I need to protect them or these things.
Right. And that’s, that’s why you set it up safely. Right. And you’re doing this as an adult and all of those things. But I think it brings us to some of that fearlessness that is innate to us because fear is not our natural state. Love is our natural state. Right. And that’s like, if you want to, if I’m like, if I’m ever just trying to sum up like the thesis of all that, all that I’ve learned, it’s there’s two paths, fear and love. And if it’s the path of fear, there’s more fear there to be had. And if it’s the path of love, there’s more love to be created from that.
Yeah. I love that. I love that. And I love that sense of connection to where I feel like, I mean, like I said, I haven’t done this particular experience, but I can relate to like my own meditation studies and getting like higher States of consciousness where you’re like, holy fuck. Like I am connected to everything. Yeah. You know? And it almost makes being in the human body challenging because it’s like when you’re up out of the body, everything makes sense. Everything is love.
Everything feels connected there. I’m not afraid of anything because I can feel the bigger web of the energetic, like what’s what’s happening.
And so it can be challenging. Is, was it challenging for you to integrate some of these lessons and experiences and roll them into the day to day?
Yeah. I’m so that’s such a great question because, you know, integrate integrity. It’s all same, right?
Right. So that’s the other thing that I was seeing from people who were maybe going to Peru or Costa Rica and having these amazing experiences and then they come back and then they’re just like back in their life again.
So that’s the other layer of, for me, what I believe is really necessary is having check-ins, integration calls after multiple, right. Over weeks and sometimes months, depending on the experience and depending on the person. The integration piece is crucial because I mean, it’s just like, you can read an amazing book and be like, that was amazing. That changed my life and then do nothing differently. And then what’s the point. Right.
So it’s really, really important for me. I’m thinking of a very specific time, which was really, really exciting. It was one of the most powerful healing experiences I’ve personally ever had. And it was with mushrooms and just a little bit of pure MDMA. So not like a pressed pill ecstasy. And I was by myself and I was in my bed with my, you know, eye mask on and my Bose headphones, listening to East forest music for mushrooms.
And it’s like a five hour journey that he created to move you through this process. It’s so beautiful and so interesting. And that was a moment. And I literally felt myself being tuned as by the universe, like, like a flute. Like I literally was like, I’m a flute and I’m being tuned by the universe. And then after that was when I released my first album and I started recording music and it super opened up. And so that’s one of those things that it really, really opened up for me. That it felt like, okay, I have the universe’s almost like blessing to just go forth and give this gift that I’ve been really wanting to. And it just unlocked so much for me, you know, musically in my voice. I know we’ve talked a lot about the voice,
I keep it right here on my altar.
Oh my gosh. I love it.
For anyone watching, this is from her animal guides deck. It’s the peacock. I pulled it when I was in Sedona and it’s all about your voice. I keep it right here on my altar space.
I love it. It’s so perfect. Yeah. And so that was one of those things that, you know, it happened in this really powerful, intense experience. And then it became a thread of my whole life, you know, and it became something that I get to consistently offer, which is, which I just love so much because it’s music. I mean, music is one of those other things. It just makes you feel connected. It allows you to be present, um, both, both playing and just listening to music.
Yeah. I feel like also what you’re saying too, with the mushrooms and meditation, and this was my experience is that when you have those deeper moments where you’re really sinking in and feeling it, it’s like you get that imprint in your body of the moment. And then it’s a little easier to go back and feel like, Oh, I can still feel the awakening. I can still feel that attunement. I can still connect to it as opposed to just like this thought.
Yeah, totally. Yeah. A hundred percent. And it’s really cool. Um, there’s some new research coming out that’s showing that specifically mushrooms have long-term like one use has long-term, uh, positive health impacts.
Like your heart rate variability, which if anyone’s familiar with, you know, it’s, it’s pretty much one of the biggest indicators of health and, you know, seeing that these effects like don’t fade even after years. It’s so cool. And I, I was just, um, maps, which is the, you know, psychedelic science, uh, organization. Um, they had a survey and I was taking their survey yesterday to just help them with some of my knowledge and experience. And, um, you know, it’s really cool to see how long lasting these effects are doing, you know, are, because it’s like, I’m doing this all the time.
Even, you know, cannabis super supported me in healing my stomach. Um, and I don’t, I would say rarely use it anymore. And so it’s not one of those things where you’re on a pill forever, or you have to do mushrooms every month or any, you know, anything close to that.
Um, I think, yeah, I think all of that goes along with like the, the lasting transformation. And I know we talked about this a little bit before we got on, but another one of my huge tenants in my business is a multi-pronged approach. And so it might be that, you know, we need some, you might still be meeting with your therapist and do coaching with me. And there might be some psychedelic usage, you know, in that, or there might be none of that. And it might be, you really just need to get in nature or it might be, you know, you like journaling is super supportive for you or something in your diet needs to switch so that your hormones can be regulated. Like that it’s not about finding like a magic bullet or the golden ticket to like, finally fix or whatever, heal everything.
It’s about a lifelong journey of healing. And I would say emergence, your soul’s essence to fully emerge unfettered from the blocks, the conditioning limitations, the truth of who you are blossoming naturally as it, you know, was intended to, and as it knows how to, you know.
So to wrap up, I would love for you to share how people can find you. We will of course be including all of your information in the notes below. So you’ll be able to access her website, her Instagram handle will connect you with the animal guides. And of course your Spotify list, your Spotify channel. But is all of this kind of multi-pronged approach, something that you do more with one-on-one coaching? Is it also part of your soul shine program?
Like what are those two pillars look like?
Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, one-to-one sometimes people need one-to-one when it’s like going through a very specific, you know, maybe something with your health, something in your life, something that you’re grieving and you really need that tailored support or, you know, you’re at that next level and you’re just like, I want to really expand and I’m ready to start tapping into light language. I’m ready to start communicating with galactic beings. I’m ready to start.
And so one-to-one is, you know, either for various specific set of circumstances or like, I’m really ready. Like, my life is sweet and I’m ready to just invite in way more ease or really connect to that next level of trusting myself or my magic. And then, you know, in programs, I find some people actually go from one-to-one into a program because sometimes in one-to-one you can hide.
Yeah. Because it’s just because it’s just the two of you. And so you don’t have to be as vulnerable. Of course, you’re so vulnerability involved, but in a group, there’s totally something to be said for being witnessed and having, you know, as like we experienced in Sedona, like having everyone really witness you in your transformation and in your healing. And, you know, in Soulshine’s case, because it’s six months in your expansion and growth over time and think about where you were before you started and where you are now. And so, yeah, I mean, really in all of it, yeah, it’s all multi-pronged approach and, you know, all my clients get access to a resource that I created called the Healing Vortex, which is basically a massive, like searchable Google doc of every like supplement I love, biohacking, any reading that I’ve ever gotten from someone who I would recommend, essential oils, like routines, ritual, like it’s just a huge resource that I created. Yeah.
And so I never, I never wanted to like pick a lane. Yeah.
Why should you, right?
I never wanted to.
Yeah. And I just have to say you have such a skill at naming things. I mean, all of your like Soulshine, the Vortex, your podcast, the Quantum Playground, like they’re all just so fun. They’re just like, they just like ping in on exactly what you’re going to get. And it’s like this, such this cosmic language. It’s just, yeah, I love it.
I love that. Thank you. I received that. I mean, I’ve always been a words, words gal back in even the English teacher and poetry writing. So it’s all there. It’s really amazing to just wake up and be like, oh my God, like everything that I’ve ever wanted to do, I get to do. Yeah. You know, every, everything. Yeah.
So getting back into the Quantum Playground has been an interesting journey because we moved to Colorado where we live now, which is a whole other, I’m like, I could talk to you for like four hours. We have to do like multiple segments. We totally can.
I’m like, we haven’t even touched on any of that, but yeah. So Quantum Playground has some really, really awesome episodes up there and new ones will be coming. And that’s, you know, everywhere that pod, you know, you listen to podcasts and then music is just under my name, which is Anna Cantwell spelled exactly like it sounds. And yeah, also new music is coming, which I’m super, super pumped for. I have a lo-fi album that has really beautiful mantras sprinkled in. So it’s kind of like your workflow, your vibing, your, your dropping into the flow, stay. And then it just has some nice little positive messages for you throughout. I love that.
I love that.
I love your music too, because it totally reminds me to, it reminds me to look for the good, right? Like some of the best like word drops we got out of Sedona, Sedona, like the coolest shit is always happening to me, right? It’s just, yeah.
I mean, the music is just so beautiful.
Thank you.
Well, we will definitely do this again. A ton more to talk about, but I just want to thank you for carving out the time and being here with us today. And, and we’ll make sure that everyone can, can funnel their way to you because she, Anna is definitely someone you want to have in your corner.
Oh, thank you. Thank you so much for having me. It’s been such a blast. My face hurts from smiling. Thank you everybody for listening. And yeah, it’s just been such a treat.
Thank you so much.
Thank you everybody. And I’ll see you next time.
Abou t The Blogger
Tanicia Baynes
I am a meditating mama, the Indiana Jones of unconscious spaces, your biggest fan and a tell-it-like-it-is maven. Here you can read the latest musing by me or fellow healers and artists.

Meet Our Past Rooted Women
The Rooted Woman Project: Michal Lauren Hunt (Episode 8)
Michal Lauren Hunt is a holistic interior designer who seeks to bring PEACE + EASE into the home through intentional design and simplicity.
The Rooted Woman Project: Melissa Hoffmann (Episode 6)
Melissa is a Mindset Coach & Hypnotherapist for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. She helps them to create unshakeable belief in themselves and launch their business by unlocking the power of their subconscious mind to manifest the life and business they want.
The Rooted Woman Project: Audrey Gerber (Episode 5)
Audrey Gerber is an integrative health coach that helps women struggling with PMS and period issues to balance their hormones naturally and holistically.

In Service Of
We believe we are stronger together. And without committing positive action to the atrosities in this worldwe are only a part of the problem. We currently donate a percentage of our proceeds to charity.

Together Rising
Together Rising transforms collective heartbreak
into effective action.