Wild and Rooted
When I was pregnant, I had these grand thoughts that my twins would sleep in a swing all day (because babies sleep a lot, right?) and I would be able to work while taking small breaks to feed and play with them. Life would basically be the same but with these cute, sleeping cooperative little humans.
I like to call this time in my life: Delusional
Instead, they refused to sleep on the same schedule, would wake up every 1-2 hours to eat during the night, would only settle while being held and basically took over my life. I stopped working, lived in my PJ’s, ate & showered occasionally, left San Fransisco and moved in with my parents.
That was 7 years ago… some things have changed, some things haven’t.
I have my own business, eat & shower with a smidge more regularity, PJ’s are still on regular rotation but I no longer live at my parents. So what, that’s about 50/50? Haha!
About a year ago, I started to have enough time to entertain the idea that I could be a woman outside of motherhood. I started to explore the idea of alone time, and self-discovery. I started to have physical boundaries and a bit more autonomy over my body. I could finally connect to my desires. This started a journey of re-discovery.
For many years this journey was an inside job. But over the years it became clear that I didn’t want to do it alone anymore. That there is magic in sharing space with women. And there is medicine in making space for self-discovery.
This is why I started Wild + Rooted Sanctuary. Heck, this is why I started The Rooted Experience!
Wild + Rooted was born out of a desire to support women in finding themselves in the sacredness of everyday moments. To provide unique, spiritual, ethically & sustainably made products that inspire moments of self-connection and magic.
Motherhood isn’t the only life experience that invites us into deeper relationship with ourselves. Sometimes it’s the ending of a relationship, or moving to a new city, or getting married…
What was it for you?
What inspired you to take a deep look inside?
How has the journey been for you?
I’d love to hear.
Until then, know that I’m out here cheering you on.
Reach out with anything. Really.
About The Author
Tanicia Baynes
I am a meditating mama, the Indiana Jones of unconscious spaces, your biggest fan and a tell-it-like-it-is maven. Here you can read the latest musing by me or fellow healers and artists.